Premier K-12 Options
Scottsdale Schools
There are over 40 private schools in Scottsdale serving more than 3,400 students. The student/teacher ratio of 6:1 is lower than the state private school average of 9:1. For those with special needs children, Scottsdale offers a significant array of private schools to meet your needs such as Devereux - Arizona, Gateway Academy and Brightmount Academy (Special Program, K-12, one-on-one instruction).
Scottsdale currently has 61 primary and secondary schools including a number of highly ranked private schools such as the Basis School Inc. (charter school), Foothill Academy and Great Hearts Academies Scottsdale Preparatory.
Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD)
SUSD prides itself on its academic achievements and places an emphasis on student extracurricular activities in academic challenges, music, theater and sports. Average SAT scores exceed both state and national averages.